“Let the Beauty of what you Love be what You do.” Rumi

My passion in life is not putting pencils or paint onto paper; It is found within expression and using art as a way to bring people together by translating the experiences of life in an intentional, aesthetic way. 

Have you ever been around someone, heard a story, or watched a film and in your head stepped back and felt more connected to yourself? Because of this deep-seeded reflection, my art is ever evolving just as I am but will always have this rooted in it’s foundation: I truly believe that we as humans are better together.

It is as simple as that.

Connection fuels ideas, dreams, empathy and growth. The more you connect with others the better you can connect to yourself and even find pieces you never knew you embodied within.

I currently combine my techniques with a variety of mediums and my next goal is to venture into incorporating stories, writings, and poetry into visual art more than ever before. 

To let you a little into my world, I will share a personal story. The first memory I have of falling in love with creativity within life was in kindergarten. I shared a small bedroom with my mother that was filled with art supplies to fuel her pursuance of art school for interior design. She would come home and create these beautiful boards for room layouts on a small tilted art desk which sat in the cramped corner of our room next to ponies and princess dolls. My mother didn’t know then but her boldness to pursue her dreams and creativity opened a window into a part of myself that I will never shut; The desire to chase my dreams regardless of how off the beaten path they are and fill it with deep purpose. The respect I have for anyone who chases what they believe in will always be founded from watching it unfold within my own family. Connection fuels dreams.

Throughout the years I have collected little stories like this and am so excited to share them with you through my art. It will be a beautiful, long-winding journey. Thank you for being here now and sharing this moment with me, I can’t wait to see what happens next. 

With A Grateful Heart, 
